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I Love You!
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Subject Line: I love you!

(There weren't many addresses in this e-mail, so there is no screenshot of the attachment count)
Answer these questionS
>>It's Friday night and you are driving your car.
>>( what kind of car are you driving?)
>>You can only have FOUR other people
>>in the car with you.
>>( who is in the car with you?)
>>As you drive, you and your friends
>>start chillin to some music.
>>( what song are you all listening to?)
>>So, there you are chillin to some music
>>with four other people
>>all of a sudden this crazy driver hits
>>you in the back!
>>You are flying down the road out of control.
>>You hit a speed bump and the car flips and lands upside-down in the
>>beside the road.
>>You lay there crying because
>>you are in so much pain
>>You hear nothing but silence.
>> >
>> > silence.
>> >
>> > You try to yell out to your friends,
>> > but you are in so much pain and shock
>> > the words won't come out.
>> >
>> > You lay there for about 2 minutes,
>> > but to you it seems like 60 minutes.
>> >
>> > You finally hear something.
>> >
>> > You hear the ambulance and you
>> > have never felt more relieved.
>> >
>> > You lay there, still in the car, thinkin about your
>> >
>> > family,
>> >
>> > friends,
>> >
>> > School,
>> >
>> > past holidays,
>> >
>> > old friends,
>> >
>> > old lovers
>> >
>> > You start to pray for the other people in
>> > the car and for yourself.
>> >
>> > The paramedics get you out of the car,
>> > put you on a stretcher, and then
>> > into the ambulance.
>> >
>> > you see nothing and hear nothing
>> > but a void....you are alone
>> >
>> > You don't get a chance to see the other
>> > people that were in the car with you
>> >
>> > As they drive to the hospital,
>> > you pray and think to yourself
>> >
>> > "Am I going to die?"
>> >
>> > Where are my friends?
>> >
>> > Are they okay?
>> >
>> > What's going to happen to me.......?
>> >
>> > Did you die or not?
>> >
>> > What happened to your friends that
>> > were in the car with you......?
>> >
>> > They all died.
>> >
>> > All of the other people in the car died.
>> >
>> > They are all gone.
>> >
>> > You'll never get to see them again.
>> >
>> > As for you...
>> >
>> > you died too.
>> >
>> > Wait you were just imagining....right ?
>> >
>> > But what if it were real?
>> >
>> > What if it really happened to you?
>> >
>> > Think about it....
>> >
>> > That car was the LAST car you
>> > were EVER in with your friends.
>> >
>> > Those four people were the
>> > LAST people you EVER saw.
>> >
>> > Did you pick the four people in the
>> > car with you wisely...
>> >
>> > or do you wish that someone else
>> > was in the car with you?
>> >
>> > The song you were chillin to was the
>> > LAST song you EVER heard.
>> >
>> > Don't you wish you could have had the chance to
>> > tell everyone you loved them?
>> >
>> > Don't you wish you could have told your parents
>> > you loved them one last time?
>> >
>> > Don't you wish you could have
>> > kissed your boy/girlfriend one last time?
>> >
>> > Don't you wish you could have told
>> > your crush how much you loved them?
>> >
>> > Don't you wish you could hug your
>> > friends one last time?
>> >
>> > Don't you wish you had the chance
>> > to do all of those things?
>> >
>> > You still do.
>> >
>> > Send this email to everyone you love, hate,...
>> >
>> > friends, family, even enemies.
>> >
>> > Just send this to everyone you know.
>> >
>> > This really didn't happen to you.
>> >
>> > But, pray for all of the people that it DID happen to
>> >
>> > AND remember this quote:
>> > "Live every day to its fullest......"
>> >
>> > and when someone says that they love you,
>> >
>> > know the meaning of it
>> >
>> > and mean it when you say it too.
>> >
>> > Send this to every one you care about before you lose you
>>chance. If you
>> > don't send this on and just delete it all it means is that your
>> > hearted and emotionless. Tell someone you while you can.
Well, it first tells me to answer these "questionS".  I'm beginning to think this was sent by a police officer.  I'm surprised they didn't ask for my license and registration.  And what's with the ">>> >"?  I hate when they do this.  It's almost like they're too lazy to delete the dang things.
Then they tell me that I'm driving in my car.  Funny... I don't have a car.  I guess right off the bat, this forward doesn't apply to me.  Telling me that I'm the driver and asking me what kind of car it is only shows me again how retarded forwards are.  And it also tells me that they think I'm too stupid to gleen from the first sentence that I am driving the car.  Nothing makes me hate you more than insulting my intelligence.  Way to go, Forward Gods.
Asking me who's in the car with me (the car that I'm driving and all that) is another way to make me hate you.  Especially when you ask it like it's any of your business in the first place.  Stupid forward....  But for the sake of this rant, let's pretend it is any of their business.  No, I'm kidding.  We won't.
Next Pointless Question: what song am I listening to?  Even if it was any of their business, why is it relevant?  What if my friends and I don't like music?  We don't listen to it, because we'd prefer to actually hold a conversation rather than drowning ourselves out with the crappy techno tunes they play on the radio.
Oh nos!  A driver hit me in the back!  Wait... I thought I was driving a car!  Way to go, Forward Gods!  And what's a speedbump doing on the highway anyway?  Since when were we driving in a residential area?  And since when is there grass on the sides of the road around here?  This just keeps getting better and better.  And not only that, I'm now crying.  Not because I just had a traumatizing experience, not because I miss that crappy music that was supposed to be playing, but because I'm in pain.  If that isn't the most obvious statement of this entire forward, I dunno what is.  But, strangely, I don't hear myself crying.  Nope; it's nothing but silence.  Maybe that crazy driver also hit me in the head so I can't hear anything now.  In case I didn't get that there's silence, they repeat it over a billion blank spaces, which makes me reflexively snap my mouse in half.  I run out to the store and get a new one as the computer keeps scrolling and by the time I get back, it's finally on to the next relevant line.
Now I'm in so much pain and shock, I can't yell.  But just a few seconds ago, I was crying.  Interesting....  But the ambulance begins to arrive and I can hear it, even though I couldn't hear myself crying.  I guess maybe I have a bad case of selective hearing.  I start to think about a lot of different things, School and old lovers among them.  I dunno why I'd think about school, since it's one of the worse experiences of my life.  And how can I think of old lovers when there haven't been any NEW lovers?  Or any lovers, for that matter.  Way to go, Forward Gods!
Here comes my selective hearing again: I can't see or hear anything.  Funny, I just heard the ambulance.  Geeze.... Oh wait.  Here comes the clincher:
Everyone in the car died.  Yup.  Even I died.  So that means I don't have to read the rest of this forward, right?  Yeah... right....  They decide to point out I was just imagining, just to be mean and shatter my hopes that I wouldn't have to read anymore.  Now, they start to prey on my Guilt Factor (if I have one, which is doubtful).  They point out that the last people I "EVER saw" were those four in the car with me.  That song was the "LAST song" I ever heard.  Now, don't I wish I could've given my friends one last hug?  Tell my crush I loved them?  NO!  But, of course, they assume I do.
Enter the SNAG: I can still do all those things, but I have to send this e-mail to everyone I know (even the ones I hate.  Makes me wonder if the person who sent this to me hates me) so that I can.  This is known as a Guilt SNAG: a SNAG that relies on making you feel so guilty, that you absolutely have to send this forward.
But wait, the stupidity isn't over yet!  They now say I should send this to everyone I care about, where only a few lines above (more if you include the ">>> >") they told me to send it to everyone I love and hate.  How about I just delete this stupidity and move on with my life?  Okay, sounds good to me....